Iconix braces

Iconix braces in Fredericksburg

Tooth crowding, misaligned teeth and gaps between teeth can affect your chewing, talking and smiling. While many orthodontic patients opt for metal braces, some adults — and even teens — want a sleeker option that is not as noticeable. Iconix braces are a perfect choice.

Gold braces treatment plans

Fredericksburg Orthodontics offers Iconix braces for a more discreet way to align your smile. Iconix braces comprise stainless-steel wire and champagne-colored brackets. These rose-gold brackets allow more tooth enamel to show, which looks more natural during treatment. If you are interested in Iconix braces, our team can determine whether they are a good fit for your needs. We will discuss payment options and set up an appointment to attach the braces. Our team will work with your schedule and find time for you to come in every few weeks to have the wire tightened.

To care for your Iconix braces, you can follow the same tips we give to metal braces patients:

  • Avoid sticky, chewy or crunchy foods.
  • Brush and floss morning and night and after meals.
  • Use flossers or floss threaders designed explicitly for braces.

If you break a bracket or have any other issues, you can call us immediately to schedule an appointment.

Cost of Iconix braces

Dr. Arroyo-Pratt and Dr. Almy are passionate about excellent patient care and experience. Since 2005, our team has helped patients love their smiles through comprehensive orthodontic treatments. We want everyone to choose the best fit for them, regardless of price. That’s why our prices are the same regardless of your treatment method. Taking care of your oral health will enhance your life. See whether Iconix braces are right for you and become one of our over 13,000 smiles treated.

Fredericksburg Orthodontics is here to welcome you into our office. If you want to learn about Iconix braces, we can answer all your questions. Before you commit, we make sure you receive an ideal, personalized plan that fits your timeline, budget and needs.

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